Green Living Seminars

capitalismGreen Living Seminar Series Spring 2025
"Rewilding Our World"

The 2025 series is a presentation of the MCLA Environmental Studies Department and the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.

Every semester the Green Living Seminars center around a different topic, timely and relevant in current sustainability issues.

Presentations will be broadcast on Northern Berkshire Community Television Channel (NBCTC) 1302 at the following times:
Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.
Fridays at 4:00 p.m.
Saturdays at 3:30 p.m.
Sundays at 11:30 p.m.
Mondays at 5:30 p.m.

Green Living Seminar presentations will start promptly at 5 - 6 p.m. EST in Feigenbaum Center for Science and Innovation (FCSI) Room 121


January 29: What is Rewilding? (via zoom)
Dr. Reed Noss

February 5: Urban Rewilding
Sarah Greenleeaf

February 12: Restoring Forests to Reduce the Spread of Disease (via zoom)
Dr. Paula Prist

February 19: Rewilding in an Unlikely Landscape: The recovery of the Northern Forest of the Northeastern United States
Jon Leibowitz

February 26: The Future of Wolves in the Adirondack Park
Renee Seacor

March 5: Most Forested Land in Massachusetts is Family-Owned: Working with families to help guide its management
Dr. Paul Catanzaro

March 12: Land Conservation in Massachusetts
Andrew Madden

March 26: Land Protection from the Indigenous Perspective (via zoom)
Paula Peters

April 2: River Restoration in Massachusetts
Beth Lambert

April 9: Green Roofs: Rewilding our Cities
Paul Winterer

April 16: Rewilding for Pollinators
Amy Melzer

April 23: Rewilding to Combat Climate Change
Dr. Oz. Schmitz





Spring 2025

   poster coming soon

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For more information contact Elena Traister,, 413-662-5301.