Scroll down to see details on the History Major; History Minor; and Public History Minor
We offer a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Arts in History. Following completion of foundation courses, you can pursue different fields of history depending on your intellectual and career interests.
Foundation Courses (24 credits)
Junior-Level Requirements (12 credits)**
Senior-Level Requirements
One of the following:
*History majors pursuing education licensure may substitute POSC 201 or POSC 202 for
one of these courses
** No more than one course from each region can count towards this requirement
Total credits for a Major in History: 47
The History minor offers students the opportunity to study in moderate depth and breadth
history as it reflects the development of political, economic, cultural and social
The flexibility of this minor allows you to choose the topics or areas that most interest you. We have extensive offerings in the histories of Asia, Europe, and the United States, with additional courses in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Requirements: Select six History courses, four (4) of which must be 300 level or above.
Total Credits for a Minor in History: 18
The new minor in Public History provides students with knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience that can be used as preparation for a variety of careers in public history such as local, state, and national historic sites, archives, and museums.
Required Courses:
AMGT 235 Fundamentals of Arts & Culture Organizations
HIST 250 Museums, Monuments & Memory
HIST 290 Historical Methods and Theory
HIST 360 Practicing History
HIST 540 Internship in History OR
AMGT 540 Internship in Arts & Culture
Choose two courses from the following*:
*History majors must choose at least two AMGT courses and Arts Management majors must choose two HIST courses
Courses used to fulfill the Public History minor cannot be counted towards a minor in Arts Management or History.
Total Credits for a Minor in Public History: 21
Please contact the chair of the History department, Ely Janis, if you would like more information on any of these programs.