Since 2018, the Berkshire Regional Arts Integration Network (BRAINworks) has offered free in-person professional development for local educators, focusing on integrating the arts into their curriculums. But when all schools, public and private, went virtual this year, BRAINworks' programming became even more crucial.
Emily Sienkiewicz '21 has loved the Library of Congress since she visited it during a trip to Washington, D.C. when she was 13. This summer, though she's not there in person, she's contributing as a Junior Fellow to the Library's important work.
Two MCLA students, Amanda Bortman and Max Martel, are interning for Berkshire County Arc this summer, using their communications skills to help tell the stories of BCArc’s staff.
If you were to read a popular press book about the state of youth sports, you would think the situation needed immediate attention. According to some recent tomes, youth sports are in a crisis and parents are partly to blame. Their rude, aggressive, and overbearing antics are allegedly making the sports field a dangerous place for kids to be and the fear is that this might stop other parents and children from signing up to play.
Drew Thomas ’21 and Declan McDermott ’21 are working to promote MCLA’s Institute for Arts and Humanities this summer. As they enhance their skills in design and nonprofit administration, they’re both making an impact on the Berkshire community.
Sonja Stewart is the director of family support and advocacy at Berkshire County Arc (BCArc), based in Pittsfield, Mass., which serves more than 1,000 individuals and their families across the Berkshires. She earned her master's degree in education from MCLA in 2018, after receiving a bachelor's in social work from the College of St. Rose in 2014.
Although he's now helping design temperature sensors for the cutting-edge rockets of SpaceX, Dan Kuszpa '98 entered the field quite by accident.
Every year, MCLA's faculty members write, edit, and contribute to papers and articles, receive awards and grants for their research, are quoted as experts, and contribute to their community, among other accolades. We are proud to present this list of accomplishments for the 2019-20 academic year.
Maya McFadden ’19 was hired by her hometown newspaper, the New Haven Independent, only days after graduating from MCLA this past December. The Independent’s editor was already familiar with her work. McFadden was the recipient of a 2019 Ellen J. Bernstein Journalism Internship award, which allowed her to write for the paper during her summer break.
We're reflecting back on the impressions all our MCLA students made this year. The following students were recognized at the end of the Spring 2020 semester for going above and beyond in their studies, as club and organization leaders, and as community citizens.